I teach computer education in an elementary school. Here's what a mild-mannered computer teacher found while rolling down the side streets of educational technology.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Diigo bookmarks1 12/08/2010
How do you let the public post comments on a google website? - Google Sites Help
tags: comments google googlesites
tags: google sites googlesites comments collaboration spreadsheet
embedding a spreadsheet, one sheet only - Google Sites Help
tags: spreadsheet google sites googlesites collaboration comments
Google Sites - Visitor Comments - Google Spreadsheet Form - steegle.com - Google Sites & Apps Help
The way I describe in this how to is using a Google Spreadsheet Form as it intergrates nicely with Google Sites and all the tools are free and fairly easy to setup.
Create your own comments form and list box - N.Raveendran's net space
Use Google spreadsheet. 60 slides with screen shots.
tags: web2.0 comments webdesign collaboration google googlesites
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Diigo bookmarks1 12/04/2010
TeachersPayTeachers.com - An Open Marketplace for Original Lesson Plans and Other Teaching Resources
place where teachers
buy & sell original and used teaching materials and make teaching an even more rewarding experiencetags: Lesson plans collaboration ideas sharing
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Diigo bookmarks1 12/01/2010
Purdue OWL: Avoiding Plagiarism
When do I need to give credit to an author or source? Is there anything that is always plagiarism?
tags: plagiarism avoiding owl purdue research paper style research reference
Blue Mountains will find photos on Flickr that you are free to use if you give credit to the owner. Be sure that "For Editing" is checked on the right. Choose the size of the picture you want, then drag it to the desktop
tags: photos flickr flickrcc creativecommons creative commons cc copyright photography photo picures